What Story Will You Tell Now?
- Aug 19, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In Adaptability, aliveness, Allowing, Awareness, balance, Becoming, Beginning, Being Seen, Change, Character, choice, connection, Encourage, Evolution, experiencing, Expression, Focus, Freedom, Friendship, fun, Happiness, Healing, Imagine, Inner Strength, Intention, Learning, Live, Living, Purpose, Receive
The world is constantly changing and evolving, just like you are. The story that used to hold you hostage, is also being changed by the meanings we are learning to change or understand differently. If you could look at your life story differently, tell it differently, experience it differently, what…
You don’t have to do this alone anymore…
- Aug 01, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In aliveness, Allowing, authenticity, Awareness, Be Heard, Becoming, Beginning, Being Seen, Choose, Clarity, compassion, Embrace, Heard & Held, Honor, Integrity, Intention, Never Give Up, Patience, Release, Renew, Resilience, Safety, Self Love
There are so many ways to say that – from illness to wellness, from weakness to strength, from discomfort to comfort. What nobody tells us is that challenges and adversity are normal parts of life and rather than running from them, we should learn to deal with them. This is…
About Kimberly – My Intention
- Sep 25, 2015
- By katalyst
- In Change, Coaching, Commitment, compassion, Counselling, Intention
As part of getting to know me, I thought I would take a few minutes to share my intentions in being a Trauma Recovery Coach & Counsellor. This list is current as of today, but not a final list and I hope to continue to grow as a person, while…
Why Coaching & Counselling
- Sep 14, 2015
- By katalyst
- In Coaching, Counselling, Intention
Quite simply, they are both fantastic on their own and I am happy to use them both on their own. But at some times, in some cases, when combined, they can produce amazing results that couldn’t be achieved otherwise. There is however a very real possibility and in some cases,…
Katalyst – The Big Picture
- Sep 06, 2015
- By katalyst
- In Identity, Intention
I believe we collect skills, tools and talents as we move through life. Sometimes we learn things simply for personal interest, other times with goals in mind. What I find truly amazing is when you surrender and trust that it will all make sense, some day. The rebranded Katalyst is that…
Katalyst – Past & Present
- Sep 05, 2015
- By katalyst
- In Intention
After a 20 year career working on large capital campaigns, business growth & development, strategic mergers & acquisitions, I started to focus on the people side of change that was seemingly overlooked in the day to day ‘business of doing business.” Just as businesses needed organizational and strategic planning to…