What Story Will You Tell Now?
- Aug 19, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In Adaptability, aliveness, Allowing, Awareness, balance, Becoming, Beginning, Being Seen, Change, Character, choice, connection, Encourage, Evolution, experiencing, Expression, Focus, Freedom, Friendship, fun, Happiness, Healing, Imagine, Inner Strength, Intention, Learning, Live, Living, Purpose, Receive
The world is constantly changing and evolving, just like you are. The story that used to hold you hostage, is also being changed by the meanings we are learning to change or understand differently. If you could look at your life story differently, tell it differently, experience it differently, what…
What can you dreams be now, if you let yourself dream?
- Aug 18, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In aliveness, Allowing, Awareness, Becoming, Beginning, Choose, Consciousness, Consider, Curiosity, Dream, Encourage, Evolution, Flow, Focus, Freedom, Fresh Start
What did you dream of before you knew fear or limitations? What is possible now that the world has changed in amazing ways ? What is holding you back from reaching your goals ? We are living in unique times where everything is being re-set, where we get to re-create…