When was the last time you felt this way?
- Aug 21, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In aliveness, Allowing, authenticity, Awake, Awareness, Beauty, Being Seen, choice, Curious, Embrace, Energy, Expression, Feeling, Flow, Freedom, fun, Happiness, joy, Never Give Up, Presence, PTSD
When was the last time you felt this way? Have you ever felt this way? What would it take for you to create this moment for yourself? What obstacles would you run into? What words would get in your way? What thoughts or memories would you get lost in? What…
What Story Will You Tell Now?
- Aug 19, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In Adaptability, aliveness, Allowing, Awareness, balance, Becoming, Beginning, Being Seen, Change, Character, choice, connection, Encourage, Evolution, experiencing, Expression, Focus, Freedom, Friendship, fun, Happiness, Healing, Imagine, Inner Strength, Intention, Learning, Live, Living, Purpose, Receive
The world is constantly changing and evolving, just like you are. The story that used to hold you hostage, is also being changed by the meanings we are learning to change or understand differently. If you could look at your life story differently, tell it differently, experience it differently, what…
Your Trauma is Valid
- Jul 01, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In Affirmation, Allowing, authenticity, Be Heard, Being Seen, Care, choice, Clarity, compassion, connection, Courage, Enough, Face your fears, Focus, Freedom, Growth, Healing, Inner Strength, Learning, Meaning, Never Give Up, Permission, Perspective, Purpose, Reframe, Restore, Reveal, Safety
Thrive during a challenge
- Apr 01, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In aliveness, Allowing, authentic, Beauty, Becoming, Being Seen, belief, Character, choice, Face your fears, Focus, Never Give Up, Safety, Uncategorised
I give myself permission to see things my own way…
- Mar 06, 2020
- By Kimberly Davidson
- In acceptance, Affirmation, aliveness, Allowing, Character, choice, Enough, Ethics, Faith, Feeling, Flow, Never Give Up, Reveal, Trust, Truth
- Jun 04, 2019
- By katalyst
- In acceptance, Adaptability, aliveness, Allowing, authenticity, Caring, Change, choice, Safety